If submitting homework online, please email the work directly to your teachers, not form tutors please. Form tutors will collect any paper copies/books on a Monday morning.

Dear Year 5,

Please find your homework grid below. The homework starts on Monday 9th September. This grid will run for this half term (Autumn 1). The format will stay the same each half term but the tasks will change according to the children's curriculum. 

I hope you enjoy the new way in which the weekly homework is offered. The Year 5 Form Captains and Vice Form Captains met with Mrs McIntyre last term, to ask if how homework is completed and what is offered could be changed. Together, with feedback from each form, they created the format below to enable more flexibility to a chance to explore more subjects. We were keen to support their suggestions and foster their love of learning.

Please look at your homework tasks to find more detailed explanations about each task from your teachers.

Your tasks can be found by clicking on the yellow task icon (top left of this page.) The tasks will appear on Monday when the homework officially starts.

It looks like this (below)

Log in for Linguascope:

User name: newlandhs

Password: nhlangs!

Log in for Atom tasks:

These are specific to the children. They children have them glued into the inside cover of their yellow maths homework books and their reading journals.