
All pupils will need their headphones in school for these tests. If possible, not blue tooth headphones as we have had problems with children linking to the wrong devices. Can we suggest 3mm jack in ear headphones as these are easy to keep in pencil cases.

Please see further information below regarding each session.

The administration of the digital tests is in three parts, with the Quantitative Reasoning tests split between Part 2 and Part 3.

What does CAT4 do?

Provides a rounded profile of student ability so you can target support, provide the right level of challenge, and make informed decisions about their progress. Reports indicate strengths and weaknesses across four batteries:

Verbal Reasoning – the ability to express ideas and reason through words is essential to subjects with a high language content, and the most obvious skill picked up by traditional assessment.

Non-verbal Reasoning – problem-solving using pictures and diagrams; skills which are important in a wide range of school subjects, including maths and science-based subjects.

Spatial Reasoning – the capacity to think and draw conclusions in three dimensions, needed for many STEM subjects, but not easily measured by other datasets.

Quantitative Reasoning – the ability to use numerical skills to solve problems, applicable well beyond mathematics.