Dear Parents,

Richmond Synagogue Visit, Friday 1st December 2023

This term, Year 5 pupils have been studying Judaism and a visit has been arranged to Richmond Synagogue on Friday 1st December.

The children will need to be in school at the usual time. We will be travelling by coach to the synagogue at 9.30am and will be returning to school in time for lunch at 12.35pm.

During the visit the children will learn about The Sabbath, The Festivals and The Torah.

Richmond Synagogue is an orthodox synagogue so no food or drink can be brought onto the premises. The children will be offered a drink (water) and a nut free biscuit at the end of the visit.

The children will also be offered some challah bread as part of their experience. The bread does contain egg and is made in a factory which uses nuts. I have made the synagogue aware of the children who have allergies and specific dietary requirements.

Smart school uniform and blazer should be worn for the trip.  There is no charge for this trip.

Please can I ask that you give consent for your child:

  • to attend the trip on Friday 1st December
  • to taste the challah bread

Many thanks,

Georgia Bruce

Consent Form:

Pupil surname *
Pupil first name *
Form *
I give my permission for my children to attend the trip to Richmond Synagogue on 1st December. *
I hereby agree to authorise members of staff during the course of the session to approve such medical treatment for my child as is deemed necessary in an emergency. *
I give permission for my child to taste the challah bread. *

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: