• Emergency contact number for the trip: 07946505423

Kit List

Please note that no electronic devices are allowed on the trip.

Program Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Day of Visit






Day 1


Drop at school 8.20am with luggage and disposable packed lunch and water bottle.
Leave luggage in the school hall before coming up to the classroom.
Lessons 1 and 2 as normal.
Break and nut free snack.
Coach leaves 11.15am.
Eat packed lunch at Juniper Hall.
Survival Skills: Shelter Building

Night Walk

Day 2


Habitats: Disappearing Animals & Secret Ponds

Egg Drop Challenge

Last Day



Return to school 2pm.
Lessons 6 and 7 as normal.
Pick up as normal at 3.55pm.

Pupil Information: Please could you complete the information below and submit by Friday 3rd February 2023.

Pupil surname *
Pupil first name *
Date of Birth *
Form *
Doctor’s name, name of practice and telephone number: *
Date of last tetanus vaccination: *
First emergency contact:
name and phone number during the trip (6th - 8th March 2024) *
Second emergency contact: name and phone number during the trip (6th - 8th March 2024) *

Pupil Medical Conditions/ Consent

Medical Conditions:
If none please record 'none'.
Medication required during the trip:
Please hand to form teacher the morning of the trip in a named container.

Medication must be in the original packaging as dispensed by the pharmacy, and we will not exceed the dose stated on the packaging/patient information leaflet unless advised by a doctor’s note.

Those pupils with medical bags, currently kept at school, will have these collected from first aid and kept at Juniper Hall for the duration of the trip.

If none, please record 'none'. *
I agree to members of staff, during the course of the trip, approving such medical treatment for my child as is deemed necessary in an emergency: *
I consent to my child being administered paracetamol when needed. We will contact parents directly first if possible.

Please note we will only administer paracetamol for a maximum of 3 consecutive days unless provided with a doctor’s note. *
I agree to my child being treated with a plaster (hypo-allergenic) if needed. *
I agree to my child being treated with antiseptic wipes/spray as required. *
I consent to my child being administered Stepsils (sore throat soother) *
I consent to my child being administered antihistamine (topical cream or oral) *

Pupil Dietary Requirements 

Dietary requirements:
If none please record 'none' *

Additional Information

Any additional information that you feel would benefit staff to be aware of.

If none please record 'none'

e.g. bed wetting/phobias *
I agree that it is my responsibility to contact the school if there are any changes in the medical or health circumstances of my child between the date I have submitted this form and the commencement of the trip. *

Behaviour Code

I understand that my child will be subject to the normal school rules of behaviour throughout the visit. I agree to
them following the guidance on health and safety given either by a member of staff or by an Instructor at the Activity
centre at all times. I accept that where their disregard for the code of behaviour either causes danger to themselves
and to others, or offence to the local customs, or is a serious breach of school discipline, they may be sent home forthwith at our expense. *

Please note the FSC documents below. 


If you are concerned about any risk from ticks, please see the updated guidance below.

As a school, please see the precautions we will be taking:

1.  The children will be wearing long trousers and long-sleeved tops when outside (light coloured clothing makes spotting ticks easier).

2.  Walk on clearly defined paths to avoid brushing against longer vegetation.

3. You may wish to pack an insect repellent (for example, DEET). Please note a repellent with no more than 10% to 30% concentration of DEET is recommended for children. If unsure which repellent to use, please seek professional advice from a pharmacist or GP.  All repellents will be sprayed outside, supervised, and the children will be asked to wash their hands.  Please name and hand in all repellents to form teachers the morning of departure. These will be collected and stored at the centre. 

4. The children will not be sitting directly on the grass. 

5.  Children will be asked to tuck their trousers into their socks when outside.

7. The centre staff will be teaching the children about the environment around them. As part of this, they will explain to the children how to identify a tick and to notify them immediately to have it removed (all staff are trained). Parents will be informed.

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: