Thank you for purchasing our Newspaper.  Please find below some Podcasts, competitions and pictures. We hope you enjoy it! Year 7 & 8

Milo and John  (Year 8) had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Skelton on the first ever Newland House Podcast. Apologies, some of the sound is not 100%!

Henry and Hugo (Year 8) sat down with some Year 3 children, Ellis, Henry and Isabella and they had fun podcasting together. Apologies, some of the sound is not 100% perfect!

A gallery of Pugs made by James (Year 7)

A little message from Santa! 

Can you complete this Christmas Wordsearch. Send it to to be in the draw for a prize!

Get ready for the hockey season by listening to this podcast with Miss Pomroy.

Click this link to be taken to a Christmas playlist. Created by Leo (Y8)

If you would like to get ready for the rugby season listen to this podcast with Mr Bardgett!

John and Luca had a chat with Maya and Indigo in Year 5. Enjoy!

Please enjoy trying to bake these cookies. Send us in some pictures to

Enjoy some Christmas colouring below.

A few pictures from the Pre-Prep assembly where The Minimag was introduced. Well done Finlay, Jacob and Charlie!

Thank you for supporting this paper.  Please see below, what your money will be going towards.

Henry and Faren sat down with Mrs Gurdenli. Listen to their podcast below.