Children are to come to school wearing their Newland House sports kit (sports top, shorts/skorts, socks, trainers and tracksuit top) with swimming costume/trunks underneath. 

Requirements: Please ensure ALL items are NAMED

  • Towel 
  • Underwear
  • A spare change of clothes in case you get wet and muddy
  • A second pair of shoes that you don't mind getting wet (e.g. an old pair of trainers/water shoes or something similar) Please put the spare shoes in a named plastic bag for the return journey.
  • Packed lunch, snack (nut free) and a filled water bottle (water only).
  • Sun cream and sun hat for the land based activities if sunny.
  • Tracksuit bottoms and the school waterproof coat as extra layers for warmth.
  • You do not need to provide a wet suit or buoyancy aid.  If the children would like to bring their own named wet suit/rash vest to wear underneath the wetsuit, they are welcome to do so. 

Timetable for the day:

8.20 am: Arrive at school and go straight to form rooms to be registered.  Please give any outbound travel medication before dropping to school. Return journey travel sickness medication given to form tutors.

8.30 am: Coach departs Newland House

ACTIVITIES: Paddle Boarding, Kayaking and Team Challenges.

3pm: Coach departs Horseshoe Lake 

3.55pm:  Children back to Newland House for normal dismissal at the end of the school day

Link to the centre for your interest: About – Horseshoe Lake Activity Centre

Please complete the form below to allow your child to attend our trip. 

Consent Form

Pupil's surname: *
Pupil's first name *
Pupil's form: *
I give consent for my child to participate in activities planned for the trip to Horseshoe Lake Activity Centre on Wednesday 25th September 2024 and understand that the cost of the trip, £60, will be added to my fees for next term. *
I hereby agree to authorise members of staff during the course of the session to approve such medical treatment for my child as is deemed necessary in an emergency. *
First emergency contact name and phone number for the day of the trip: *
Second emergency contact name and phone number for the day of the trip: *
My child will be given travel sickness medication before the trip and will require a second dose for the return journey. This medication must be named and handed to your child's teacher on the morning of the trip with clear instructions about dosage/time. *
Medical conditions to be aware of: *

All school medical bags will be collected from first aid and taken on the trip. They will then be returned when we get back to school. 

My child is confident in deep water: *
My child is safety conscious around deep water: *
I give consent for my child to participate in any supervised water based activity: *

Please note that every child will be provided with a wet suit and buoyancy vest for water based activities.

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: