When booking your child please also ensure that you have carefully read the Booking Form Terms and Conditions and are especially aware of the charging structure and the advance booking requirements, in particular that all booked sessions will be billed. You can access the Booking Form once you have read the information below at the bottom of this page.
The school provides a chargeable daily, supervised and activity-led Wrap Around Care (WAC) facility which provides care for pupils outside of the core school day from 7.30am in the morning until 6pm in the evening during term time. The facility is based in the Dining hall/main hall in the Prep and Pre Prep school.
To book your child into the club, you must complete the weekly Booking Form no later than Midday on Friday of the week preceding the week that your child requires care. The Booking Form will usually be live and available from Monday through to Friday the week preceding the week when care is required for. Due to staffing and catering arrangements that we have to put in place, well in advance of the daily WAC supervision, we cannot accept any late or last minute bookings, except in an emergency or in exceptional circumstances.
Morning Wrap Around Care
- The morning care session runs from 7.30am until the start of the school day at 8.20am.
- Charging: there is a £7.50 flat fee for all children attending the morning session and a hot/continental breakfast is available to all children.
- All children booked in to attend the morning session, including Nursery children can be dropped off between 7.30am and 8.00am.
- Nursery & Pre-Prep children must join the club using the side, minibus gates, of the Prep School. Parents should phone the WAC mobile phone number and a member of the WAC staff will come out and collect the pupil/s.
- Children will be signed in on arrival.
- At 8.20am, Nursery and Pre Prep children will be walked back to the Pre Prep in time for the start of their day.
Afternoon Wrap Around Care
The afternoon provision provides an opportunity for children to complete homework as well as participate in activities, games and sports. Complimentary sandwiches and a drink will also be provided (any snacks brought into the club by your child need to comply with the school snack policy).
- The afternoon care session runs from the end of the core school day (staggered from 3.30pm) until 6pm.
- Pre-Prep/Nursery children will be based in the Pre Prep, except on a Friday, when all of the pupils will be together in the Prep Dining Hall.
- Charges: Fees will be based on the length of time children attend the afternoon care provision as follows:
1. £11:25 for children in WAC from 3.30-5pm.
2. £7.50 for children joining after a club staying in WAC until 5pm.
3. An additional £7.50 will be added to the above costs if the children are collected at 6pm.
- Pre-Prep and Nursery children must be collected from the Pre-prep main entrance.
- Pre-Prep Sibling Club is available from 3.30pm until 3.45pm, to coincide with dismissal in the Prep School. This is free of charge.
Parent Q & A's
- How do I contact the club during after school hours? If you need to contact WAC After School Club staff please call 020 8865 1299. This number is only operational during club hours.
Maria Wallace manages the WAC provision and so any queries that you may have, in the first instance, should be directed towards her, MWallace@newlandhouse.net. Maria Wallace will refresh the booking system, on a weekly and termly basis, and compile the registers accordingly.
- What if I am late picking up my child? The final pick up time is 6pm – staff are not contracted to stay beyond this time so please call Mrs. Wallace on +44 7852 457002 if you are unexpectedly delayed.
- What happens if my child is attending an after school activity club which is cancelled on the day? If the club leader is unwell and children need to utilise the after school club, Wrap Around Care, a fee will not be charged.
- Can I collect my child earlier than the designated collection time of 5pm or 6pm ? Yes, if you wish to collect your child before the standard end of session points of 5pm and 6pm, via the minibus gates and calling the Wrap Around Care mobile number (07939 965588) and a member of staff will bring your child to you.
- Can I drop off my child for morning Wrap Around Care after the 7.30am drop off window? Yes, if you wish to drop off your child later than the standard drop off window you may do so provided that this is no later than 8am. This is done via the Prep side, minibus gate. Please call the Wrap Around Care mobile number (020 8865 1299) and a member of staff will come and let your child in. Please note that even if you drop your child later you will still be charged for the pre-booked session (£7.50).
Please complete the weekly Booking Form no later than Midday on Friday of the week preceding the week that your child requires care. The Booking Form will usually be live and available from Monday through to Friday.