See also School Shop News below! 


The school Second-hand Shop is located under the entrance to the far left of the prep school (minibus gates).

Opening Hours

We operate a School Shop at the Prep School, selling a selection of school specific items, as well as second hand school uniform. The School Shop is open every Friday afternoon during term time from 3.30 to 4.15pm and opens on a set morning during the summer holiday and at the Summer Fair.

There are two special one off openings to help new parents acquire uniform ahead of the start of 2024 academic year:

1. To coincide with the Summer Fair, the second hand shop will be open in June 2024.

2. In the autumn term 2024 the first opening will be on Friday 6th September and there is also a special pre-term opening on Tuesday 3rd  September 2023 from 10am to 12 noon.

3. The shop will then be open every Friday during term time from 3.30pm until 4.15pm starting on 6th September 2023.

The school shop is run by volunteer parents, and can accept accept credit cards, including American Express. No exchanges can be made and items cannot be held.

School Shop Location

The shop is located to the left of the minibus entrance just before the gates (see number 8 on map).


The school is grateful for the support of parent volunteers in leading the second-hand shop. The team are always on the look out for more volunteers and the commitment really is 1 or 2 Fridays a term, dependent on the number of volunteers. 2 people are needed to man the shop each week. Please contact Jo Greaves on if you wish to help out. Your help would be really appreciated.

Items currently available from the school shop include:

Good quality items accepted:

  • NHS Blazers and new-style raincoats
  • All school logo sports kit
  • Girls' pinafore, skirt, summer dress, cardigan
  • Boys & Girls NHS tie
  • Boys and girls NHS swimming kit
  • Boys NHS shorts, trousers, jumpers
  • Socks

Not accepted:

  • White shirts and blouses
  • Non school-zone clothes
  • Non logo/generic sports kit
  • Tights

Donating Items

From January 2020, second hand uniform sales proceeds have been retained in full by the school shop. Going forward the combined funds will ensure a unified and impactful approach to school projects and activities to benefit all our children, in addition to appropriate charitable efforts.